Digital Platforms
We have three digital platforms to offer:
- NODMA is an online variant of PageWerkz that is used by K-12 educators worldwide to create, distribute, share, and use dynamic ebooks created for their students.
- PageWerkz is an app-based platform available for Mac, Windows, iOS, ChromeOS and AndroidOS that our clients have white-labelled.
- ClassWerkz is a mobile app that allows for browser-based delivery of content as well as payment for tutoring.
NODMA is an online platform that allows educators to have everything they need all in one place. As opposed to sending separate files to students for assignments, NODMA uses a book framework for efficient creation and use – since everyone knows how to use a book. However, what you can do within that book is far from just simple pages of text or images.
There are three components to the NODMA system: Writer, Classroom, and Reader. Writer is where you create your book with an assortment of widgets that are easy to use and allows you to apply your own creative touches. You can even import pre-made books or receive creations from a colleague or the NODMA Community to get you started. Within Writer you can edit those books to your students needs.
Once a book is published in your account, you can use Classroom to easily distribute it to your students. You do so by importing class rosters from Google Classroom or creating a classroom and having your students opt-in using a class code. Another important feature for Classroom is the ability for teachers to track book usage (how much time a student uses each page in a book and the average time for the whole book) and quiz reports with feedback options.
Student submissions are also integrated within the book format and teachers can give direct feedback on those submissions, whether those submissions be an audio, video, slidedeck, image, or other file types.
Reader is the feature in which both teachers and students can use their books. Since it is browser-based, it will work on any device with an internet connection.

Within the elegance of a simple e-book framework for the end-user, we have created what some have called an LMS-lite distribution platform for dynamic digital products. Unlike many LMS’s that are designed to mimic a desktop design with digital assets in separate folders, PageWerkz has your content put together into units that everyone is used to and can easily find – dynamic digital books. Along with the distribution of content through our freely available app for all OSs, an admin panel is provided for you to control accounts and content access for those accounts. We can also white-label PageWerkz for you to ensure seamless branding.
PageWerkz has been used for many products as can bee seen by the app-brands below that are Powered by PageWerkz.
You can learn more about how PageWerkz has been utilized by two of our clients in the Partnerships section of this website. Contact us for a free consultation to see how PageWerkz can be adopted/adapted for your organization’s needs.

ClassWerkz can deliver similar content as PageWerkz does on your smartphone, but it has additional features, and allows content to be viewed in a browser on other devices with the simple push of a button. Originally designed to allow content providers such as tutoring centers to take care of all their needs (content delivery, scheduling, payments, and parental feedback), ClassWerkz has been adopted for professional learning as well due to its distribution flexibility (mobile and browser) and custom publishing options through our designers and tech experts. You can read more about how Harvard Medical School is using ClassWerkz to deliver a unique professional learning curriculum to resident surgeons in the US in the Partnerships section of this site. Contact us for a free consultation to see if ClassWerkz can be adopted or adapted for your organization’s needs.