We seek schools and corporate clients who seek a partner in creating the best digital learning products for their end-users, not merely a vendor. With the view that you are a partner, we meet with you to learn what your goals are for the learner and help create and/or modify your content for optimal digital interaction and delivery.
We have proprietary platforms, NODMA, PageWerkz, and ClassWerkz, in order to deliver your content to students, teachers, employees, or anyone. NODMA is our online platform for teachers to use. You can learn more about NODMA -> HERE. PageWerkz is an app-based platform that allows for dynamic content framed in an ebook format for easy use by end-users. Classwerkz is a mobile platform that can have end-users use their mobile devices as well as browsers on laptops and desktop computers to use their content. More information about these platforms can be found on the ‘Digital Platforms‘ page of this site.
Below you will find a brief summary of partnerships we have developed with clients to make extraordinary digital products for their end-users.
Center for the Collaborative Classroom is “a mission-driven, nonprofit organization committed to ensuring that all students have the opportunity to become highly literate critical thinkers who learn from, care for, and respect one another. Our research-baed curricula help children appreciate the ideas and opinions of others, learn to agree and disagree respectfully, and think critically about big ideas. Our programs are used in 4,500 schools and 80,000 classrooms across the country and impact the lives of over 2 million students daily, raising student grades and test scores, building relationships, and bolstering student and teacher engagement.” We partnered with CCC to transform their professional development teacher materials from hardcopy to a digital e-book format to include note-taking and more within a white-labelled app version of our PageWerkz platform. We provided them with our PW Writer tool and, with technical support, helped integrate teacher access to the training materials on the app to CCC’s online Learning Hub to fulfill, in part, their mission. It’s an honor to partner with and serve with such organizations.

In partnership with the Department of Surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital of Harvard Medical School, we were chosen to help deliver their unique curriculum as part of a $3.4 million NIH-funded grant to improve surgeons cultural dexterity. As announced on their ‘Surgery News and Notes‘ online updates from the department, they state, “Improving the ability of providers to provide cross-cultural care is a necessary development in the effort to improve patient-centered care and reduce healthcare disparities. The trial will test the effectiveness of a novel cultural dexterity curriculum (PACTS) in improving surgical residents’ knowledge, attitudes, and skills in caring for patients of diverse cultural backgrounds.”
“The PACTS trial is a multicenter trial to be conducted at eight medical centers across the U.S. The added dimension of measuring patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes in response to the intervention, which has not been done previously, will provide evidence to support the connection between cultural dexterity and patient outcomes, and reinforce the anticipated impact of this initiative.”
The platform chosen for this project was ClassWerkz because of its ability to transfer one’s learning access easily from mobile device to any computer-based browser. Thus, it fulfilled the demands of residents needing access on any mobile device or computer they may have access to in all the odd hours and locations of their work.